Development of Body Classifier Model, Skeleton Tracking and Gesture Detector-2D Image
Eldar Avrahami
Supervisor: Arye Albahari

Ori Glassman, Itay Levi
Supervisor: Barak Itkin

Fire Detection by a CNN using a Camera Mounted on a Quadcopter Drone in Real Time
Zachary Noll & Bar Ben Ari
Supervisor: Dr. Michel Nanikashvili

Noam Bialik, Shir Zeevy
Supervisor: Gad Halevi

Analog Mappings for Communication in Real Time
Maor Kehatiand Sagi Timinsky
Supervisor: Dr. Anatoly Khina

A Nano Drone with an Autonomous Flight Capability in a Closed Room
Dan Siboni, Mohammad Jamal
Supervisor: Yoni Mendel

Secret Data Exposure Treat –Side Channel Attack
Yuval Tal
Supervisor: Valery Teper

Daniel Kozoyatov , Shay ShomerChai
Supervisor: Eli Schwartz

Anomaly Detection in Cotton Fields by CNN Deep Learning Method
Erez Yosef
Supervisor: Dr. Iftach Klapp

Acceleration of Archimedes’ Optical Screw
Keren Zhalenchuck
Supervisor: Dr. Alon Bahabad

Generation of Sensor-like Fingerprints
Roy Pasternak
Supervisor: Ariel Orfaig

Decoding Speech Features from the Activity of Single Neurons in the Human Subthalamic Nucleus
Yotam Aharony & Lior Solomon
Supervisor: Dr. Ariel Tankus

Automatic Bat Sonar Calls Classification
Amir Hazon & Michael Majer
Supervisor: Prof. Yossi Yovel

Vehicle Detection Evaluation Protocol
Elad Azachi
Supervisor: Avi Steinitz

Reliability Verification Automation
Chen Bonofiel, Matan Rosenfeld
Supervisor: Michael Smetanov

Characterization and Construction of a VR Dental Aid with Haptic Feedback
Meitar Dor, Gavriel Rashkovsky
Supervisor: Dr. Sigal Portnoy

Hybrid Synthesizer
Nimrod Maller, Inon Reuven
Supervisors: Jacob Fainguelernt , Mario Zajac

Isolation of Prognostic Genes Using Digital Pathology Images of the Nucleus
Ayman Iraqi, Doruk Barokas
Supervisor: Prof. Ilan Tsarfaty

SDR System Integration and PA Optimization for LTE Signal Transmission
Yaniv Shor, Andrew Moshkin
Supervisor: Meir Alon

Solving EIT Problem Using Neural Networks
Tomer Geva
Supervisor: Prof. Ben Zion Steinberg

Design of neural network to diagnose Alzheimer’s from EEG
Matan Globerman
Supervisor: Prof. Miriam First Yust

Geoptiphone–Optical Geophone
Uri Gross
Supervisor: Prof. Avishay Eyal

Decoding Speech From Single Neurons in The Human Thalamus
Noam Rozenberg, Oz Ben Hamo
Supervisor: Dr. Ariel Tankus

Smart Distribution Network Optimization with Machine Learning
Arbel Yaniv
Supervisor: Dr. Yuval Beck

Self-supervised Neural Network for Non-rigid Shape Correspondence
Idan Keren Paz
Supervisor: Dr. Dan Raviv

Autonomous Vehicle LIDAR Point Cloud Segmentation
Eli Harel & Harel Chemo
Supervisor: Roy Orfaig