Examination of the Optical Properties of Exciton Polaritons on Monolayer Semiconductors
Noa Mazuz
Advisor: Dr. Itai Epstein

Crime Analysis with Computer Vision
Jae Seong Kim & Zichen Gao
Advisor: Khen Cohen

Improving High-Level Synthesis with Graph Neural Networks
Zhenjie Jiang and Louis Le Coeur
Advisor: Rozhin Yasaei

Music Transcription and Identification
Matan Rabin & Hadar Shaked
Advisor: Roi Raich

Temporal Consistent Dense Shape Correspondence
Yuval Alon & Dvir Abuksis
Advisor: Dvir Ginzburg

Sensors System For a Motorized Wheelchair
Yaniv Molodetsky & Yarden Amrani
Advisor: Edoh Shaulov

Autonomous Boat – Special Mission
Daniel Bar & Roni Zarecki
Advisor: Danny Berko

RRTello – a guide from above
Etay Markman
Advisor: Dr. Gavriel Davidov

Sail-IL Computer VisionSystem
Koren Gazit & Dan Porat
Advisor: Bental Tavor

SAIL –IL –System Engineering
Noam Blutnerand Nitzan Lidan
Advisor: Dr. Hanan Spond

Few-Shot Image Classification With Graph Neural Network
Dan Malka & Renana Katzoff
Advisor: Omri Puny

Home Physiotherapy Exercises System
Noam Tirosh & Nofar Ogdan
Advisor: Jacob Fainguelernt

Thin-Film Vortex Beams Mode Sorter
Michal Nemirovsky
Advisor: Prof. Ady Arie

Traffic monitoring with fiber-optic seismology
Oz Matoki & Roy Mazuz
Advisor: Dr. Ariel Lellouch and Khen Cohen

Integrative Performance Test Tool
Matan Eckhaus Moyal
Advisor: Ran Angelovich

Phase Locked Loop
Niv Shteinberg & Tal Stiber
Advisor: Meir Alon

Integrated sensing devices based on composite pulses
Roy Swersky & Oshri Shurany
Advisor: Haim Suchowski

ZumoPi Obstacle Avoidance
Ido Arad ,& Meitar Amir
Advisor: Arkadi Rafalovich

Gesture Recognition from EMG Signals
Adi Ben-Ari & Liron Ben-Ari
Advisor: Prof. Yael Hanein

FW⇆DV Annotation Automation
Itamar Shor, Omer Gil
Advisor: Michael Blech

Hyper Spectral imaging method using optical elements and DL
Ido Keinan & Adir Cohen
Advisor: Khen Cohen

Archaeological Features Detection Based On Machine-Learning Using Drone Imagery
Amit Israeli & David Lerner
Advisor: Eli Ben-Yizhak

Improvement of Thermal Imaging Qualityand Mapping to RGB
Shahar Moshe & Bar Hacham
Advisor: Khen Cohen

Temporal Consistent Depths Maps Correspondence for Augmented Reality Applications
Ori Fouks & Ori Francos
Advisor: Dvir Ginzburg

PV System Simulator
Yael Bensaya & Adi Henig
Advisor: Dr. Yuval Beck

Simulations on Ratchet Based Ion Pump
Ben Leibovicz & ArtemyZayev
Advisor: Alon Herman, Dr. Gideon Segev

Analog guitar amplifier
Noa Shrager & Noam Timkovski
Advisor: Tal Elazar

Multi-Sensor Fusion for Multi-Object Tracking
Diana Kokuashvili & Yuval Dayan Fershtman
Advisor: Shahar Sar Shalom

Firmware Development for a Nanosatellite Payload
Avraham AvinoAharonov & Haim Leuchter
Advisor: Yoav Simhony, Prof. Ofer Amrani, Prof. Erez Etzion

Electrical Facility Planning for an Education Compound
Eran Timor & Tom Kagan
Advisor: Bishara Bishara

Nano-satellite real time communication system in random spin
Onn Rengingad & Alon Haramati
Advisor: Dr. Meir Ariel

Investigating Frequency Comb Generators with Microrings for Optical Communications
Joseph Meyer
Advisor: Juan Jose Vegas Olmos